lørdag den 31. januar 2015

ULA - Delta II 7320-10C - SMAP

Screenshot from ULA Webcast of the launch of SMAP. Aw man. Why must I always get up so early?

Mission Rundown: ULA - Delta II 7320-10C - SMAP

Written: January 14, 2023 

Lift Off Time

January 31, 2015 – 06:22:00 EST | 14:22:00 UTC

Mission Name


Launch Provider

ULA - United Launch Alliance




Delta II 7320-10C

Launch Location

Space Launch Complex 2W - SLC-2W

Vandenberg Air Force Base, California


Surface Moisture AP Science Satellite

ELaNa X with 4 CubeSats in 3 P-Pod dispensers

Payload mass

944 kg ~ 2 076.8 pounds

Where did the satellite go?

Sun-Synchronous Polar Orbit - 670 km x 684 km x 98,11°

ELaNa X Target Orbit - 665 km x 666 km x 98,59°

Type of launch system?

Delta II Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle + 3 SRB’s

The GEM-40 SRB’s fate?

In the Pacific Ocean south of SLC-2W

The first stage landing zone?

Bottom of the Pacific Ocean 2 500 km downrange

Type of second stage?

Delta AJ-10-118K engine - 17m 27s burn time

Is the 2nd stage derelict?

No - Main engine 3rd start/cutoff was 48 seconds

New orbit was -180 km x 620 km x 98.17° 

Type of fairing?

3 meter two part carbon composite fairing

This will be the:

153rd Delta II rocket flight including

124 in Delta II 7000 configuration

6 in a Delta II Heavy configuration

– 93rd flight of all ULA rockets

– 370th flight of all Delta rocket types

– 28th ULA flight of a Delta II rocket

– 21st ULA mission for NASA

– 2nd mission for ULA in 2015

Where to watch

Where to read more in depth

NASA/ULA YouTube link provided by Matthew Travis

Want to know or learn more go visit or see Tim Dodd

Launch debriefing

(This did happen)

Small gaps in the video recording - it freezes at 20:02 - still on audio

At T+01:05:00 the video time was 2:37:53 that’s a 43 second slip in the timeline caused by small repeats during recording so be aware of the slips

Bigger gaps in the video recording - it freezes at 2:40:54 - still on audio

Is the video file too old?






T 00:00:00



















NASA live feed at 00:00 in a planned 2 hour count

George Diller, Steve Agid

10 minute hold awaiting last check out at 1:18:10

Final Polling preparing the launch at 1:25:10

Release -4 minute hold at 1:28:10

Liftoff at 1:32:10 - No T+ clock - 14:22:00 UTC

Mach 1 at 1:32:59 - Speed Mach One 1225,5 km/h

MaxQ at 1:33:00 - Maximum aerodynamic pressure

SRB burn out at 1:33:14 - Delayed release of them

SRB separation at 1:33:48 - Three GEM-40 spent

BECO at 1:36:34 - Thor booster is empty - 263 second

Vernier Roll engine cut off at 1:36:38

Stage separation at 1:36:42 - Just losing 95% weight

MES-1 at 1:36:50 - Delta AJ-10-118K engine starts

Fairing separation at 1:37:08 - Computer graphics on

MECO-1 at 1:43:00 - Coasting toward Antarctica

MES-2 to SECO-2 is a 12 second orbit insertion burn

NASA show deployment of SMAP at 2:29:43

MES-3 to SECO-3 is a 329 second orbit reduction burn

NASA deployment of ELaNa X at 2:29:43

Wrap up from ULA at 1:09:43 - Calculated T+

MES-4 - SECO-4 doing a 48 second deorbit burn

Delta K blowout of remaining gasses and fuel

Delta K doing a 44g dive into South Pacific Ocean

Atlas V 541


Atlas V 551


Delta II 7320-10C


Atlas V 421


Delta IV M+4,2


Atlas V 501

OTV-4 X-37B

Atlas V 401


Delta IV M+5,4


Atlas V 551


Atlas V 421


How wet is the ground really?

United Launch Alliance (ULA) successfully conducted a rare Delta II launch January 31, 2015 on Saturday morning, at 06:22 PST - 14:22 UTC,  following a scrub on Thursday, along with a debonding of insulation on the booster, suffered during the subsequent detanking.

The aging rocket orbited the Soil Moisture Active Passive, or SMAP, satellite for NASA’s mission to produce a global map of the moisture content in the Earth’s soil.

During its planned three-year mission the spacecraft will take repeated measurements of the Earth’s surface as it orbits the planet, allowing scientists to study the distribution of water in soil around the world and its role in the water cycle.

NASA envisions that this data will improve weather forecasts, add to research into Earth’s climate and help with agricultural, resource management and emergency planning.

Development of the SMAP spacecraft was authorized in 2008, based on the Hydros mission which had been canceled three years earlier.

Hydros, which had been slated for a 2010 launch at the time of its cancellation, formed part of NASA’s Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) program however it had been canceled due to budget cuts.

The mission was still in early development at the time of its cancellation.

The SMAP Payload

The SMAP satellite has a mass of 944 kilograms (2,081 lb) and is powered by a three panel solar array which generates 1.45 kilowatts of power. It will use active and passive remote sensing techniques to infer surface water content from radar backscatter and microwave emissions.

The active element of the spacecraft’s instrument suite is an L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) while a radiometer forms the passive component of the payload. A six meter (19.7-foot) mesh antenna will be deployed after launch for these instruments.

The synthetic aperture radar emits signals and then analyzes the backscattered signal, determining the water content of the soil from the amount of radiation that it reflects.

The instrument can image at a resolution of 1-3 kilometers (0.6-1.8 miles) but the data it returns will be less accurate than the radiometer, whose data comes from studying microwave radiation emitted from the surface. Although more accurate, the radiometer operates at a lower resolution of 40 kilometers (25 miles) than the radar.

SMAP will fly in a 426-mile (685-kilometer) altitude, near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit that crosses the equator near 06:00 a.m. and 18:00 p.m. local time. That gives a local moisture content in moist cold mornings and after dry warm sunny days.

SMAP is designed to operate for at least three years, producing a global map of soil moisture every two to three days.

Artist’s rendering of NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) spacecraft in orbit near Panama

Mission scientists hope to use the data from the two instruments to produce a combined output with a resolution of around 10 kilometer (6.2 miles). The radar payload has a mass of 49 kilograms (108 lb), while the radiometer has a mass of 30 kilograms (66 lb).

The mission is being conducted by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who constructed the spacecraft in-house apart from the radiometer, which was developed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

ELaNa X CubeSat program

In addition to SMAP, the launch carried four miniature satellites under NASA’s Educational Launch of Nanosatellites (ELaNa) program.

Designated ELaNa-X, the payload consists of the ExoCube, FIREBIRD-II and GRIFEX spacecraft which are deployed from three Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployers (PPODs) attached to the Delta II upper stage.

ExoCube, also known as CP-10, is a three-unit CubeSat flown as a partnership between NASA, the California Polytechnic State University and the University of Wisconsin.

The spacecraft will be used to monitor the density of oxygen, hydrogen and helium atoms and ions, nitrogen molecules and nitrosonium ions in the upper atmosphere.

The CubeSat will use a suite of instruments called EXOS, which consists of a Neutral State Energy Angle Analyzer or NSEAA, an Ion Static Energy Analyzer or ISEAA and a Total Ion Monitor (TIM), to take measurements which its operators hope will contribute to ongoing space weather research.

Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst, Intensity, Range and Dynamics (FIREBIRD) II consists of a pair of 1.5 unit CubeSats, FIREBIRD-IIA and IIB.

The second half of a four-satellite constellation, these spacecraft will join the FIREBIRD-A and FIREBIRD-B spacecraft orbited by an Atlas V in December 2013. FIREBIRD-B remains operational, however FIREBIRD-A suffered a power system failure six weeks after launch.

The FIREBIRD program, which is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Montana Space Grant Consortium, is led by the Universities of Montana and New Hampshire and is aimed at studying disruptions known as microbursts within the Van Allen radiation belts.

The two satellites are similar to their predecessors, however with a completely new power subsystem and an additional solar cell technology demonstration experiment.

The final CubeSat, the Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events Read-Out Integrated Circuit In-Flight Performance Experiment, or GRIFEX, is a technology demonstration mission which is being conducted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of Michigan as a precursor to proposed the Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) environmental research mission.

The satellite will take regular spectroscopic measurements of atmospheric pollution as a test of the Read-out Integrated Circuit (RIOC) being developed for the GEO-CAPE mission.

The Delta II 7320-10C launch

The rocket used was the 370th Delta II vehicle flying in the 7320-10C configuration. This is why the mission name Delta 370 is used instead of Delta II 7320-10C.

The launch, which took place from Space Launch Complex 2W at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, will began with ignition of Delta 370’s first stage main engine and verniers three seconds in advance of liftoff.

When the countdown reached zero the three solid rocket motors ignited and the vehicle rose from the launch pad to begin its ascent into orbit. Flying downrange at an azimuth of 196 degrees Delta 370 reached the speed of sound, Mach 1, 35.8 seconds after liftoff – passing through the area of maximum dynamic pressure fourteen and a half seconds later.

The GEM-40 motors burned for the first minute and 4.7 seconds of flight before exhausting their supply of propellant. The spent boosters remained attached to the first stage for 34.3 seconds after burnout in order to ensure that debris does not hit oil rigs downrange of Vandenberg.

First stage flight concluded with Main Engine Cut-Off, or MECO, four minutes and 21.8 seconds after liftoff, when the RS-27A was shut down. The Vernier engines followed suit a few seconds later in an event designated Vernier Engine Cut-Off or VECO.

Around 6.2 seconds after MECO the spent first stage separated from the vehicle, with the second stage igniting eight seconds later.

Separation of Delta 370’s payload fairing occurred nineteen seconds into the first of two second stage burns.

Six minutes and 7.6 seconds in duration, this first burn established the vehicle in a 185 by 709 kilometer (115 by 440 miles, 99.9 by 383 nautical miles) parking orbit.

The mission then entered a coast phase lasting 40 minutes and 54.4 seconds before the AJ-10 engine restarted for its second burn. Lasting just 12.1 seconds, this second circularization burn raised the orbit’s perigee in preparation for spacecraft separation which occurred five minutes and 0.4 seconds after its conclusion.

From launch to separation, Delta 370’s mission lasted 56 minutes and 50.5 seconds.

SMAP was deployed into a near-sun-synchronous orbit with a perigee of 669.7 kilometers (416.1 miles, 361.6) and an apogee of 684.5 kilometers (425.3 miles, 369.6 nautical miles) at 98.116 degrees inclination. The spacecraft will complete its circularization, entering a final 685 kilometer orbit.

Following spacecraft separation, Delta 370’s second stage made two further burns. The first, around three quarters of an hour after spacecraft separation, lasting eight seconds to put distance between itself and SMAP’s operational orbit in preparation for CubeSat deployment.

The CubeSats were released at 100-second intervals some time after the end of the third burn – with the two FIREBIRD spacecraft being deployed together from the same PPOD.

The final burn was intended to deorbit the second stage in order to avoid leaving unnecessary debris in orbit. The burn began at 112 minutes and 30 seconds mission elapsed time, with a planned duration of about 48 seconds. About seventeen minutes after this burn ends, the spent stage reentered the atmosphere over the south Pacific.

The Delta II 7320-10C rocket

SMAP was launched on Delta 370, a Delta II rocket flying in the 7320-10C configuration.

Graphic view of a Delta II rocket split in its major parts. This is from a later mission though

This is a two stage vehicle, consisting of an Extra-Extended Long Tank Thor first stage and a Delta-K second stage. Three GEM-40 solid rocket motors are clustered around the first stage to provide additional thrust at liftoff and for the first minute of flight.

The mission was the 153rd flight of the Delta II rockets and the 130th flight of a rocket in the 7000-series vehicle, excluding the six Delta II Heavy launches.

The Extra-Extended Long Tank Thor is the final evolution of the Thor missile, which was developed as an intermediate-range ballistic missile during the 1950s, first flying from Cape Canaveral in early 1957.

The stage is powered by an RS-27A engine, burning RP-1 propellant oxidized by liquid Oxygen, with two LR101 Vernier engines used to control the rocket’s roll.

The three GEM-40 motors are solid-fuelled and designed to give the rocket extra thrust during the early stages of flight when it is at its heaviest and climbing through the thickest part of the atmosphere.

The second stage Delta-K powered by an AJ-10-118K engine is seen here hanging from a loft crane with the avionics, struts supporting the fairing, the interstage and red Helium pressure vessels

The Delta K second stage AJ-10-118K engine is restartable, allowing several burns to be made to reach a higher orbit after an initial parking orbit. The engine burns hypergolic propellant; Aerozine-50 is a mixture of hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) in equal parts by weight. This is oxidized by dinitrogen tetroxide.

A nozzle extension will be added to the AJ-10-118K engine later on before stacking it on the 18 foot interstage that is used to house the Delta K second stage.

The rocket is completed with a three meter (10-foot) composite payload fairing which protects the SMAP vehicle during its ascent through the atmosphere.

NasaSpaceFlight: William Graham link

Gunter’s Space Page: Details Delta II link 

Coauthor/Text Retriever Johnny Nielsen

link to ULA launch list - Link to ULA Fan

tirsdag den 20. januar 2015

ULA - Atlas V 551 - MUOS-3

Screenshot from ULA Webcast of the launch of MUOS-3. We never leave in broad daylight anymore

Mission Rundown: ULA - Atlas V 551 - MUOS-3

Written: January 15, 2022

Lift Off Time

January 20, 2015 - 20:04:00 EST

January 21, 2015 - 01:04:00 UTC

Mission Name


Launch Provider

ULA - United Launch Alliance


US Navy


Atlas V 551

Launch Location

Space Launch Complex 41 - SLC-41

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida


Mobile User Objective System Satellite

Payload mass

6 740 kg ~ 14 900 pounds

Where did the satellite go?

Geostationary Transfer Orbit

Deployment - 3 891 km x 35 817 km x 18,97°

Type of launch system?

Atlas Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle + 5 SRB’s

The AJ-60A SRB’s fate?

In the Atlantic Ocean due east of SLC-41

The first stage landing zone?

Bottom of the Atlantic Ocean 2 500 km downrange

Type of second stage?

Centaur RL-10C-1 engine - 16m 24s burn time

Is the 2nd stage derelict?

Yes - Main engine 4th start/cutoff wasn’t evident

New orbit is 3 248 km x 35 117 km x 19.06° 

Type of fairing?

5.4 meter two part carbon composite fairing

This will be the:

2nd Centaur upper stage to use the RL-10C-1 engine - It got more thrust

– 92nd flight of all ULA rockets

– 52nd flight of an Atlas V rocket - Tail no. AV-052

– 5th Atlas V 551 configuration

– 3rd ULA mission for US Navy

– 1st mission for ULA in 2015

Where to watch

Where to read more

ULA YouTube link unavailable in my country - What TF

Want to know or learn more go visit or see Tim Dodd

Launch debriefing

(This did happen)

Seen on ground camera mostly - Audio on

The 58 second perigee burn expands the GTO elliptical orbit away from a low earth perigee - the high end apogee is still placed at 35400 km



T 00:00:00
















Short ULA video feed at 00:10 from AmericanSpace

Matt Donovan, Marty Malinovski

Liftoff at 00:23 - No T+ clock - 01:04:00 UTC

Mach 1 at 00:59 - Speed Mach One 1225,5 km/h

MaxQ at 01:17 - Maximum aerodynamic pressure

SRB burn out at 01:55 - Delayed release 2 by 3

SRB separation at 02:16 - Five AJ-60A spent

Fairing separation at 04:00 - No computer graphics

BECO at 04:54 - Core booster is empty - 271 second

Stage separation at 05:00 - Just losing 95% weight

MES-1 at 05:11 - Centaur RL-10C-1 engine start 7m42

Wrap up from AmericanSpace at 6:00 - No T+ clock

MECO-1 at 13:31 - Coasting toward Africa - 462s

MES-2 to SECO-2 doing a 347 second GTO burn

MES-3 - SECO-3 in a 58 second perigee GTO burn

ULA doesn’t show deployment of MUOS-3

Centaur blowout of remaining gasses and fuel

Centaur 2nd stage becomes derelict space debris

Atlas V 541


Atlas V 551


Delta II 7320-10


Atlas V 421


Delta IV M+4,2


Atlas V 501

OTV-4 X-37B

Atlas V 401


Delta IV M+5,4


Atlas V 551


Atlas V 421


In the Navy. We search the Seven Seas

United Launch Alliance conducted its first launch of 2015 on Tuesday, with an Atlas V carrying the third Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite to orbit.

Liftoff from Space Launch Complex 41 of the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station occurred on January 20, 2015 at 20:04 EST - 01:04 UTC on Wednesday.

The MUOS-3 spacecraft that was launched on Tuesday is MUOS Space Vehicle 4 (SV-4), the fourth production satellite, which was launched out of sequence after the SV-3 satellite was found to be defective.

As a result of a ground test conducted under vacuum conditions, some of the soldering work on its ultra-high frequency antennae was found to be unsuitable. SV-3 is undergoing repairs ahead of its planned launch this August as a MUOS-4 replacement.

The MUOS-3 Payload

Each MUOS satellite has a mass of approximately 6,740 kilograms (14,900 lb) fully fueled, and is designed for fifteen years of service.

They were built by Lockheed Martin, based around the A2100M bus, with an BT-4 engine from IHI Corporation to provide propulsion for orbit-raising and maneuvering.

The first satellite, MUOS-1, was launched in February 2012 with subsequent launches in July 2013 and January and September 2015.

During tests MUOS-3 was found to have defective soldering.

As the satellite SV-3 requires repairs, its place on the MUOS-3 mission was taken by the SV-4 vehicle that was next in line to be flown.

It was originally reported that SV-3 has been launched as MUOS-4, however it now appears that the final satellite to be built, SV-5, was used instead for that flight. They were launched in the following order SV-01, 02, 04, 05 and 03.

Although MUOS-3 enters the constellation, a sixth satellite could be funded and possibly be launched between 2018 and 2020. SV-06, if launched, would be with collaboration from international partners in exchange for access to the constellation.

Two satellites of the US Air Force’s Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) programme were funded by similar agreements with allied forces.

The 100-pound-thrust apogee engine on the MUOS-3 is built to carry the satellite from its transfer orbit into its position in its geostationary orbit. That 100-pound-thrust apogee engine is a ‘third’ stage built for this purpose only. In orbit its dead weight. 

Ground controllers will use the satellite’s small thrusters for station keeping during its 10-15 year planned mission life.

The spacecraft is equipped with 18 monopropellant hydrazine thrusters designed for attitude control — a dozen 0.2-pound thrusters and six 5-pound thrusters.

MUOS-3 completed orbit raising on June 3, 2015 and successfully deployed its solar arrays for power generation and its antennas for mission operations on June 30.

The satellite will begin on-orbit testing before being turned over to the Navy for the military testing program and final approval and commissioning into service for mission operations was given on June 30, 2015.

With this approval given, 55,000 currently fielded radio terminals with US and allied units on battlegrounds, camp’s, barracks, ships, planes and military vehicles can be upgraded to be MUOS-compatible, with many of them requiring just a software upgrade.

The Atlas V 551 Launch

AV-052’s flight began with ignition of the RD-180 engine, at the minus 2.7-second mark in the countdown. The engine built up thrust, reaching readiness to launch at the zero mark in the countdown.

At T-3 seconds, the Sound Suppression Water System will activate to absorb the shock of the 2.5 million pounds of thrust.

This was followed by ignition of the five solid rocket motors, with the rocket lifting off at 1.1 seconds elapsed time.

With five solids burning the Atlas cleared the pad quickly, before beginning a series of pitch and yaw maneuvers to attain its prescribed trajectory, 3.9 seconds after liftoff. The Atlas flew East from Cape Canaveral over the Atlantic Ocean, along an azimuth - aka. a compass course of 94.58 degrees.

The vehicle encountered the area of maximum dynamic pressure, or max-Q, 49.3 seconds into the mission. It’s marked by a visible white contrail on flights without SRB’s.

The solid rocket motors burned for about ninety seconds after liftoff before tailing off. To ensure a clean separation they were kept attached for a few seconds after burnout, with the first pair separating 108.7 seconds into the flight. The remaining three were jettisoned a second and a half later.

The RD-180 engine continued to power the mission, burning RP-1 propellant oxidized by liquid oxygen, as Atlas climbs towards orbit.

NOTAM hazard areas where Atlas V 551 will jettison its five SRB boosters about 250 km, the fairing halves about 1000 km and the core stage close to 3200 kilometer downrange ±100km

The payload fairing separated from the nose of AV-052 at 207.8 seconds after liftoff.

Five seconds later the Forward Load Reactor, which attaches to the forward end of the Centaur and is used to dampen vibrations within the fairing, was also jettisoned.

First stage flight concluded with a booster engine cutoff, or BECO, four minutes and 25.6 seconds into the mission. The spent Common Core Booster separated six seconds later.

Following stage separation, the Centaur began its pre-start sequence. Its single RL10C-1 engine ignited ten seconds after staging, beginning the first of three planned burns.

This lasted seven minutes and 46.9 seconds, establishing an initial parking orbit.

Seven minutes and 59.2 seconds after the first burn ended, a second burn began lasting five minutes and 46.9 seconds, raising the apogee of the orbit towards geosynchronous altitude.

After the second burn the mission entered a lengthy coast phase, with a third burn occurring two hours, 48 minutes and 40.4 seconds after launch, lasting for 58.3 seconds. This raised the perigee and reduced the inclination of the vehicle’s orbit.

3 minutes and 39 seconds after the end of the third burn, MUOS-3 was deployed.

The target orbit for Tuesday's launch is 3,819 by 35,784 kilometers (2,373 by 22,235 statute miles; 2,062 by 19,322 nautical miles), at an inclination of 19.11 degrees.

The spacecraft will under its own power achieve its operational geostationary orbit.

The Atlas V 551 rocket

For Tuesday's mission the Atlas V flew in its 551 configuration, which consists of a Common Core Booster (CCB) first stage, a single-engine Centaur upper stage and five Aerojet Rocketdyne AJ-60A solid rocket motors clustered around the first stage.

The vehicle is topped with a five-meter payload fairing which encapsulates both the Centaur and the payload. For MUOS launches the medium-length version of this fairing is used, which is 23.4 meters (76.8 feet) in length. The rocket had tail number AV-052.

Atlas V 551 rocket stands assembled 62.39 meter - 204.7 foot tall with a medium fairing.

Data on another Atlas V 551 rocket standing 196-foot-tall with a small fairing. Weighs 1.3 million pounds. Or more exactly 1278919 pounds equal to 580107.9 kg ~ 580.1 tons.

The Atlas V flew from Space Launch Complex 41 (SLC-41) at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. It can also launch from Space Launch Complex 3E at Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Atlas V 551 split in its major parts. The 5 meter fairing protects the entire Centaur second stage and Payload from the dynamic pressures and temperature increases caused by the air friction

The Atlas V has two stages. The first is a Common Core Booster (CCB), which is powered by an RD-180 engine with two bells and burns kerosene (RP-1) and liquid oxygen (LOX). This is accompanied by five AJ-60A strap-on solid rocket boosters. The second stage is the Centaur upper stage, which is powered by a RL10C engine with one nozzle that burns liquid hydrogen (LH2) and liquid oxygen (LOX).

The Atlas V propellant volume numbers

Atlas V rocket is filled with 344 472 liter - 91 000 gallons of RP-1, liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. Question is now how much goes to fill each stage and the four tanks. Together they can contain 344,47 m3 of RP-1, cryogenic Oxygen and cryogenic Hydrogen.

The Common Core Booster holds 184 728 liter - 48 800 gallon liquid Oxygen chilled to below -182,96 0C Celsius or -297,33 0F Fahrenheit and can fit in a 184,73 m3 Oxygen tank.

The Common Core Booster holds 94 635 liter - 25 000 gallon RP-1 highly refined kerosine at room temperature that can fit in a 94,64 m3 fuel tank.

The Centaur upper stage holds about 15 709 liter - 4 150 gallons of liquid Oxygen chilled to below -182,96 0C Celsius or -297,33 0F Fahrenheit that can fit in a 15,71 m3 Oxygen tank.

The Centaur upper stage holds ca. 48 075 liter - 12 700 gallons of liquid Hydrogen chilled to -252,8 0C Celsius or -423 0F Fahrenheit that can fit in a 48,07 m3 Hydrogen tank.

The 350 gallon of extra tank capacity found in the LOX tank could be used by Helium gas and Hydrazine pressure vessels. That could be three 100 gallon and one 50 gallon tank.

Still to find is data on Helium gas, pressures levels used and number of tanks - Carbon Overwrapped Pressure Vessels - COPV to store it. And a tank to store Hydrazine N2H4 propellant used to maneuver during launch and in orbit.

The Atlas V weight calculation

In the 551 configuration, the Atlas V is capable of carrying a maximum of 18,500 kg to Low Earth Orbit - LEO, carrying 13,550 kg to Sun Synchronous Orbit - SSO, carrying 8,700 kg to Geostationary Transfer Orbit - GTO and carrying 3,960 kg to Geostationary Orbit - GEO.

The Common Core Booster contains a total of 284,089 kilograms - 626,309 pounds of RP-1 kerosene and liquid oxygen, weighs 306,271.7 kilograms - 675,213.5 pounds fully fueled, and is 35.63 meters - 116,9 feet tall and 3.81 meters - 12,5 feet wide.

Its RD-180 main engine produces 3,826.9 kilonewtons - 860,321.35 pounds of thrust at sea level while the thrust level increases to 933,406.73 pounds in space.

The Centaur V1 upper stage contains 20,830 kilograms - 45,922.3 pounds of liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen, weighs 23,073 kilograms - 50,867.3 pounds fully fueled, and is 12.68 meters - 41,6 feet tall & 3.05 meters - 10 feet wide.

Its RL-10C-1 engine is optimized for vacuum usage with a big nozzle - engine bell, so it only produces 101.8 kilonewtons - 22,885.55 pounds in space.

Data on an Atlas V in the 401 configuration weighed an estimated 338,149.7 kilograms - 745,492.48 pounds, including the NROL-79 spacecraft; and is 58.23 meters - 191 feet tall and 4.2 meters - 13,8 feet wide.

The MUOS-4 spacecraft weigh 6,740.0 kilograms - 14,900 pounds on its own.

Doing the math: 306272 kg Core Booster + 23073 kg Centaur + 6740 kg MUOS-4.

Using found numbers Atlas V and MUOS-5 without fairings must weigh 336084 kg.

Five AJ-60A solid rocket motors or boosters weigh 233,395 kilo - 514,745 pounds.

Data found on Atlas V 551 rocket that stands 59.7 meter 196-foot-tall with a small fairing. Weighs 1.3 million pounds. Or more exactly 1,278,919 pounds equal to 580,107.9 kg ~ 580.1 tons with 5 AJ-50A SRB’s attached.

Doing the math again: 580108 kg - (336084 kg + 233395 kg = 569479 kg) = 10629 kg.

The boat tail, the short fairing and the two forward reaktor segments must weigh a total of 10,629 kg. Now all that’s missing is to determine the weight of said parts and the weight of the two other fairings on the Atlas V rocket.

The Atlas V 551 fairings

The Atlas V 551 rocket has a three number configuration code.

The first number represents the fairing diameter size in 4 or 5 meters, so in this instance there is a 5 meter fairing. This launch will use the 23.45 meter medium fairing (77 ft).

The fairing manufactured by RUAG of Switzerland, comes in three different lengths, with this launch using the shortest of these with a diameter of 5.4 meters (17.7 feet).

The fairing is a Carbon Composite sandwich, made with two layers of Graphite-epoxy face sheets over a middle aluminum honeycomb core. Silver aluminum plates mounted on the inside walls are temperature, sound and vibration dampening pads made of cotton.

The shortest measures 20.70 meters (68 feet) in length, the medium measures 23.45 meters (77 feet) in length and the longest measures 26.49 meters (87 feet) in length but is usually only used on Delta IV Heavy launches.

The four part fairing sections rest structurally on the ‘Boattail’ and extension rings on the Atlas V core booster. The two bottom halves encapsulates the Centaur stage completely and is preventing it from carrying the full load of the payload and fairings. There is a structural maximum of 9,050 kg on the Centaur stage itself during launch.

The two top halves encapsulates the MUOS-4 payload and stands on the Centaur upper stage that is reinforced by two forward reaktor load segments. They act as a floor that keeps Hydrogen gas from seeping into the top fairing compartment, and stops the fairings from wobbling and buckling during maximum aerodynamic pressure loads.

The Centaur bottom fairing half is filled with venting holes to allow the Hydrogen gas to escape during propellant loading. This is seen in photos of the 5 meter fairing.

The ‘Bullitt’ or top fairing payload compartment is air conditioned with dry NOx gasses using a mix of pure Nitrogen and Oxygen gas under pressure to prevent water vapors and hydrogen gas from entering the payload compartment.

Deep Sea divers use NOx gas mixtures to prevent getting the ‘bends’, it’s nitrogen bubbles in their blood and they also mix in Helium gas on long duration deep sea dives.

Reaching space the fairing separation splits the two fairing halves lengthwise, and a few seconds later the forward reaktor segments are jettisoned as well.

The halves now fall in a ballistic curve back to Earth to be incinerated as shooting stars and the remains will sink beneath the Ocean waves some 1000-1600 kilometers down range depending on when and where the fairings were released.

Solid Rocket Boosters - SRB

The second number denotes the number of solid rocket boosters (SRBs), which attach to the base of the rocket. The number of SRB’s for a 5 meter fairing can range from 0 – 5. In this case there will be five AJ-60A SRB’s attached to the center core.

It’s unique to the Atlas rocket to have their solid rocket boosters (SRBs) positioned in this way. When, like in this case, five SRB’s are used, they are positioned with two on one side and three directly opposite of them.

If you notice carefully in the image of Atlas core boosters, there are long and somewhat flat pipes “running” down the side of the first core stage. These are raceways and carry fuel from the tanks down to the engines and some carry gasses back up to the tanks to pressurize them so the fuel stays flowing out the pipes.

When Atlas was designed, these two raceways were placed in their positions without the thought of SRB placement. So when more SRBs were needed, they were placed in the most convenient spot. Two SRB between the raceways and three opposite them.

The offset of the thrust won’t make it fly in the wrong direction. The engines on the core stage can gimbal, they counteract that offset of thrust by vectoring their thrust which is known as thrust vector control, or TVC. The SRBs, and most of them for that matter, do not have TVC abilities, but their nozzles can be angled and turned slightly sideways. That will counteract some of that offset SRB thrust.

A single attached SRB produces 1,668.4 kiloNewton - 379,600 lbf of thrust then five SRB’s must produce 8,342.0 kiloNewton - 1,898,000.0 lbf of thrust.

The AJ-60A solid rocket motor or booster weighs 46,679 kilo - 102,949 pounds. Measures 17 meter - 669 inches in height and 1.6 meter - 62 inches in diameter.

Five AJ-60A solid rocket motors or boosters weigh 233,395 kilo - 514,745 pounds.

The Centaur upper stage

The third number shows the number of engines on the Centaur Upper Stage, which is 1 in this configuration. So this means that this rocket will have a 5 meter fairing, 5 solid rocket boosters, and 1 engine bell on the Centaur Upper Stage that is more than 12 m long, 3.05 m in diameter, with an empty mass of 2,100 kg.

The RL-10C-1 engine is optimized for vacuum usage with a big nozzle - engine bell, it produces 101.8 kilonewtons - 22,885.55 pounds of thrust in space.

The aft RL-10C-1 engine section of the Centaur upper stage seen here in a graphic format

This technical image of the aft bulkhead with the RL-10C-1 vacuum engine depicts two green pressure vessels and a gray composite wrapped Hydrazine propellant tank used to feed the Reaction Control System.

Monopropellant hydrazine N2H4 feeds the 9-pound thrusters designed for attitude control and keeping the propellant tanks under a small constant g force.

The hydrazine N2H4 tank of an Atlas V Centaur upper stage rocket, which is produced by ATK as a model 80427-1 pressure vessel. ATK described it as a 59 cm diameter, 86 cm long pressure vessel, constructed of annealed 6AL-4V Titanium and T-1000G graphite hoop wrap, and two spun domes.

Its empty mass is 19 kg; minimum wall thickness is 1 mm; propellant capacity is 153 kg.

The two green pressure vessels with Helium gas are either used to backfill the propellant tanks to prevent structural buckling or to spin a propellant pump up before engine ignition. The Helium gas could also pressurize the Oxygen tank to force a 10 second Oxygen rich startup sequence before hydrogen and spark plugs are applied.

A third pressure vessel with Helium gas is placed inside one of the propellant tanks. All propellant tanks have one pressure vessel with Helium gas inside 

Centaur is equipped with Ullage thrusters fed with boiled off Hydrogen and Oxygen gas that constantly needs to be burned off to prevent the propellant tanks from overpressuring and rupturing during space flight.

The Ullage thrusters help with keeping the propellant tanks under a constant g force thus settling the liquid propellant Hydrogen and Oxygen ai the intake valves ready to use.

HAZ GAS operations are completed when the hydrazine is loaded. The RCS thrusters on the Centaur stage are using hydrazine as a monopropellant during orbit insertion.

The reaction control system (RCS) includes the ullage pressure thrust from the tanks and consists of twenty hydrazine monopropellant engines located around the stage in two double-thruster pods and four quadruple thruster pods.

For propellant, 150 kg (340 lb) of Hydrazine is stored in a tank and fed to the RCS engines. The propellant tanks are backfilled with pressurized helium gas, which is also used to accomplish some of the Centaur RL-10C-1 engine start up functions.

NasaSpaceFlight: William Graham link

Gunter’s Space Page: Details Atlas link

Coauthor/Text Retriever Johnny Nielsen

link to ULA launch list - Link to ULA Fan

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