fredag den 20. december 2019

ULA - Atlas V N22 - OFT

Screenshot from ULA Webcast of the launch of CST 100. Look Mom. No fairing. Just a funny hat

Mission Rundown: ULA - Atlas V N22 - OFT - CST 100

Written: September 12, 2021

Lift Off Time

December 20, 2019 - 06:36:23 EST - 11:36:23 UTC

Mission Name

OFT - Orbital Flight Test

Launch Provider

ULA - United Launch Alliance


NASA Commercial Crew Program


Atlas V N22

Launch Location

Space Launch Complex 41 - SLC-41

Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida


CST-100 - Boeing Starliner Crew Capsule + Service module

Payload mass

13 000 kg ~ 29 000 pound - Capsule weight

270 kg cargo + 1 test crew member ‘Rosie Riveter’

Where did the Starliner go?

Low Earth Orbit to the International Space Station

Currently ISS is at ~ 402 km x 403 km x 51.66° 

Initially Atlas N22 orbit - 72,7 km x 181,4 km x 51,6° 

Type of launch system?

Atlas Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle + 2 SRB

The SRB’s fate?

In the Atlantic Ocean northeast of SLC-41

The first stage landing zone?

Bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean

Type of second stage?

Centaur RL10A engine - 842 second burn time link

Is the Centaur stage derelict?

No - Only one Main engine 1st start/cutoff

The orbit was sup-orbital like a Shuttle launch

Type of fairings?

5 meter Crew capsule with aero skirt

This will be the:

– 136th flight of a ULA rocket

– 81st flight of a Atlas V rocket - Tail no. AV-80

– 1st test flight of Boeing Starliner and N22

– 34th ULA mission for NASA

– 5th and last mission for ULA in 2019

Where to watch

Crew Dragon or Starliner read

Where to read more in depth

Boeing ULA YouTube link - NASA YouTube link

Want to know or learn more visit or see Tim Dodd

Scott Manley take on the failure and N22 engines

Launch debriefing

(This did happen)

A failure in the Boeing computer program that should have guided Starliner in orbit doesn’t start itself on time

It starts much later on believing it already has inserted itself in orbit

It corrects itself into a circular orbit using only the small RCS thrusters even though it has the larger OMAC thrusters

To much propellant is wasted before ground control takes over

ISS is a lost target







T 00:00:00
















Planned 4 hour hold at xx:xx

NASA live feed at 00:02

Josh Barreth, Maria Lewis, Dillon Rice, Tori Wills, +others

Crew access arm retracting at 54:13

Final Polling preparing the launch at 57:40

Release -4 minute hold at 1:00:40 - Unseen

Liftoff at 1:04:40 - No T+ clock - 11:36:26 UTC

MaxQ at 1:05:21 - Maximum aerodynamic pressure

Mach 1 at 1:05:46 - Speed Mach One 1225,5 km/h

SRB burn out at 1:06:15 - Still coughing up thrusts

SRB separation at 1:07:02 - flight profile video

BECO at 1:09:10 - I got nothing more to give you

Stage separation at 1:09:16 - Time to lose some weight

Starliner nose cone jettison at 1:09:22

MES-1 of Centaur dual RL10A-4-2 engine at 1:09:25

Aero skirt separation at 1:09:45 - Audio only

SECO-1 at 1:16:34 - Centaur in a free ballistic fall

Starliner deployment at 1:19:34 - Thrusters keep firing

Failed orbit insertion - Thrusters out of sync at 01:32:07

Centaur blowout of remaining gasses and fuel

Centaur deorbits south of Australia

Starliner lands in White Sands, New Mexico 14:58 UTC

Atlas V 551


Delta IV Heavy


Delta IV M+5,4


Atlas V 551


Delta IV M+4,2


Atlas V N22

OFT Starliner

Atlas V 411

Solar Orbiter

Atlas V 551


Atlas V 501


Atlas V 541

Mars 2020

Set your clocks. We fly at dawn

Everything is progressing toward the ULA Atlas V launch carrying the Orbital Flight Test OFT of Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner capsule. The mission is set to lift off at 06:36:43 EST on Friday, December 20, 2019 from Space Launch Complex-41 - SLC-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

The uncrewed mission for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program will rendezvous and dock Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft with the International Space Station and return to Earth on December 28.

This test flight will give real live valuable data about Starliner’s performance in the actual environment through each phase of flight and demonstrate its capability to transport crew to the space station and bring them home safely.

Data from the mission will validate spacecraft system performance and will move Starliner farther down the path toward its first flight with astronauts aboard.

Major events during launch - Centaur MECO - Starliner separation - Centaur blowout - In the dessert it says Starliner orbit insertion - Red areas are NOTAM with rocket part debris landing fields

The Boeing CST-100 Starliner

Starliner - Spacecraft 3 - itself is composed of two separate vehicles: the Crew Module and the Service Module. The Crew Module is equipped with 12 Reaction Control System (RCS) thrusters that can produce 100 lbf of thrust each.

The Service Module contains 28 RCS thrusters that produce 85 lbf thrust each and 20 Orbital Maneuvering and Attitude Control (OMAC) engines who produce 1,500 lbf thrust each. The Service Module’s OMAC engines will be used to perform abort maneuver during launch, the first crucial Orbit Insertion Burn after launch, all major in-orbit maneuvers, and the critical deorbit burn at the end of the mission.

The bottom of the Service Module contains the four Launch Abort Engines and all of the solar panels for power. For this OFT mission, the Launch Abort Engines will be disabled.

For OFT, Boeing and ULA did not want a miscalibration of the Emergency Detection System or a “miscommunication” between the system and Starliner to accidentally trigger an abort when nothing is actually wrong with the rocket.

In total, Starliner is capable of launching and landing seven people at the same time.  This is largely driven by NASA’s desire for a full seven-person Station crew to pile into Starliner to quickly evacuate the Station if all crew happen to be on the U.S. side of the outpost if an emergency occurs.

Engineers breakdown of CST-100 in mayor parts - Note launch abort engines doubles as CST-100 orbit insertion engines after detachment from Centaur 2nd stage flying similar to a Shuttles ascent

A complement of four will be the normal crew rotation number, with Boeing having the option to sell a fifth seat to a private astronaut.

To accommodate this NASA requirement, Starliner has an internal pressurized volume of 11 cubic meters  (390 cubic feet) for crew and cargo. 270 kg of ISS cargo being flown on this OFT mission. Most of it is food.

However, the OFT mission to the ISS – set for docking 25 hours after launch – was placed into doubt after Starliner suffered an orbital insertion issue. It was later confirmed that an issue with the Mission Elapsed Clock timing, which was ahead by 11 hours for the orbital insertion burn, had forced the decision to return Starliner to White Sands, as opposed to docking with the ISS, by Sunday.

The OMAC thrusters weren’t used to insert Starliner into the first orbit insertion only the smaller RCS thrusters were burning propellant like crazy to correct the Starliner into its believed orbit in the Mission Elapsed Clock timeline.

Propellant vital for ISS approach maneuvers were wasted and docking with ISS became impossible so that part of the mission got canceled. The rest of the mission went ahead as scheduled with ISS approach maneuvers in a lower orbit, before deorbiting itself for a landing in White Sands Space Harbour, New Mexico.

Timeline of Starliner’s descent from orbit to solid ground in the yellow line. Blue line is the Forward Heat Shield under its own parachute. Red is the dropped main heat shield’s descent line.

Boeing, in coordination with NASA and the U.S. Army, is working to return its CST-100 Starliner to land in White Sands, New Mexico, on Sunday Dec. 22. The deorbit burn is scheduled for 7:23 a.m. EST, landing for 7:57 a.m. EST - 12:57:00 UTC.

It takes about four months to refurbish a Starliner in the factory. Mostly just run through the acceptance testing procedures again.

The launch Vehicle Atlas V N22

The Starliner is attached to the Atlas V using a launch vehicle adapter (LVA) which includes an aeroskirt to reduce aerodynamic loads on the vehicle. The Atlas V configuration for this mission is powered by dual Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10A-4-2 engines, each producing 22,600 lbs. of thrust. The Centaur also includes an Emergency Detection System (EDS) that monitors the health of the rocket throughout flight.

The Atlas V N22 rocket stands 52.4 meters - 172 feet tall on SLC-41. The Orbital Flight Test will be the 81st launch of the Atlas V and will mark ULA's 136th mission.

There will be loaded 66000 gallon of cryogenic liquid oxygen and hydrogen in the three remaining tanks. Stage one fuel tank is already loaded with RP-1. First step is loading 4150 gallon of cryogenic liquid oxygen into the Centaurs LOX tank. Next, filling the first stage with 48800 gallon of cryogenic liquid oxygen in the core boosters LOX tank.

Atlas V N22 is split in its major parts. Without a standard fairing on or encapsulating the Centaur stage a special Forward Adapter with aero skirts must be used. It’s an Atlas V 422 without fairings

The Atlas V rocket will deliver Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft to a 98-nautical mile (nmi) sub-orbital trajectory. Following separation from the Atlas V, the Starliner engines will propel the spacecraft to its final orbit and on to the ISS.

Modified specifically for the Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, the Atlas V Starliner configuration does not include a payload fairing. Instead, the Starliner’s own protective surfaces take the place of the fairing to protect the uncrewed spacecraft during ascent. This is the inaugural flight of this configuration.

The Starliner attached to the Atlas V uses a launch vehicle adapter (LVA) which includes an aeroskirt to reduce aerodynamic loads on the vehicle. The Atlas V configuration for this mission is powered by dual Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10A-4-2 engines, each producing 22,600 lbs. of thrust. The Centaur 2nd stage also includes an Emergency Detection System (EDS) that monitors the health of the rocket throughout flight.

The second stage is the Centaur, a hallmark of the Atlas family that was first used in 1962. Since then, the Centaur has evolved into the Common Centaur used today. To power the stage, an Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10C-1 engine is used to place its payload(s) into its final orbit. The RL10 engine is historic, having been used over several generations of rocket families and has been produced over 500 times.

It’s also the first flight of Atlas V in the N22 configuration (N = no fairing, 2 = two SRBs, 2 = dual-engine bell Centaur).

The only fault with this failed OTF mission was not to insert Starliner in a stable low earth orbit with the Centaur 2nd stage. Later missions could have fiddled with Space Shuttle flight profiles meaning incomplete suborbital launches, and using abort OMAC engines to circularize Starliners first orbit.

It was too risky in my opinion.

Everyday Astronaut: Lost in pre 2020’s

NasaSpaceFlight: Chris Gebhardt

Coauthor/Text Retriever Johnny Nielsen

link to ULA launch list - Link to ULA Fan

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